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Today I experienced how deeply rooted the habit of buying is. I was at my parents place for a meeting with some family members for the new year.
One moment I remembered that I was still waiting for my copy of a book whose layout had been made by my father. I told him I hadn’t had the chance to gett it somewhere. He told me he had some extra copies and brought me one.
In a split second I took my wallet and offered to pay him the book. And then he was kind enough to offer it to me for free.
And when I stood there, with my wallet in my hand, I realised I just ‘bought’ something that is on my ‘no go’ list.
But then I thought: well I ordered the book 2 months ago, long before my challenge started. So maybe this doesn’t count?
Or did I just screw up on my third day already?
Whatever the answer, I was mostly shocked to see how deep this habit is to grab your wallet and pay for something, to buy something, without even being aware of it! This is a major warning: I’m gonna have to be much more carefull thatn I thought… It’s gonna be more of a challenge than I expected it to be!